Monday, December 8, 2014

Agency and Technology

After reading the "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet, I was impressed with the responsibility that we place on our youth, and the responsibility that our Father in Heaven places on us.  We have been given agency, or the ability to act for ourselves.  We can choose to act righteously or choose bad decisions.  It is neat that the Lord has given us prophets and apostles and other church leaders to help us know which decisions are right and wrong.  Following the advice of inspired church leaders will bring peace and joy as never before.  There will still be hard times, but our attitudes may still be bright in these circumstances.  I believe that this also is true for the things the General Authorities tell us regarding technology.  If we follow their counsel and use technology for good, we can make the world a much better place.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Position VLOG

In class this semester, we have been talking about the righteous use of technology. Technology allows the average person to do much more than ever before. We can communicate with others around the world in an instant. We can promote good causes that we previously would never have known about. Our opinions can be heard by hundreds or even thousands of people. Even though there is so much that we can do, I feel that we can do more than we currently are. If we put away the many distractions, there is no end to what we can accomplish. This brings up the question, "How can I contribute?" I think the answer is simply that you start contributing. You may not be the mayor of your city tomorrow, or have thousands of followers by the weekend, but you can begin. The journey of a thousand steps begins with the first step. If you begin sharing inspiring articles, and supporting good causes, you may one day realize that you have a lot of followers, but even if you don’t, at least you are doing something worth-wile and that is the most important thing.