Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Shameless Stealing

Steve Jobs once quoted Picasso by saying that great artists steal. He then added that apple has always been shameless about stealing. Almost every major tech company in the past 20 years has fought off lawsuits regarding software theft. Most of the stories deal with close friends or coworkers ripping each other off. However, technology is a little different than it was back then. Recently a new vulnerability was discovered called the “Bash Bug,” a bug that can give a skilled hacker control of your computer. The days of stealing software from friends have become a day where hackers steal code through computer vulnerabilities from complete strangers. Although no reported cases have surfaced about people stealing software by the use of bash bug, it is very possible that in the 20 years this bug has existed someone used it. We may see a not-so-distant day where the people who are shameless about stealing and exploiting software are obtaining code through hacking. Article:


  1. Industrial espionage is centuries old, and it makes sense that perpetrators keep up with the times. Apparently there have been a few cases of IP being stolen by hacking

  2. If only these hackers would direct their efforts and abilities into create good, beneficial software instead of using it to steal personal data and intellectual property.
